Fighter earned more than Rs. 25.5 Crore in India net collection and Rs. 35.00 Crore worldwide at the box office on its opening day and also collected more than Rs. 39.00 Crore net on Republic Day. The film has made more than ₹ 146.5 Crores in the first week at Indian Box Office Collection. It is directed by Siddharth Anand. Here’s the latest update on Fighter’s Box Office Collection…
Bollywood Star Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone’s aerial action thriller film ” Fighter ” has joined Rs. 300 Crores Club Worldwide. The number follows Monday’s numbers when it saw the biggest drop and earned in a single digit for now. The film witnessed a massive drop in collection at the domestic box office. Fighter received amazing reviews and positive word of mouth from the audience.
Fighter Day 13 Box Office Collection
In Short
- The film has joined Rs. 300 Crores Club Worldwide.
- It is directed by Siddharth Anand.
- Fighter was the First Big Bollywood release of the year.
Screen CountÂ
India : 4000+
Overseas : 1200+
Total Worldwide : 5200+
Fighter happens to be the first big-star entertainer of the year in 2024, It stands out for being a big budget like Pathaan, which was the first big film of 2023. The Fighter was the first big Bollywood release of the year, this film signifies the first-ever big-screen collaboration between Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone.
This is an action – thriller film based on the Indian Air Force and its mission. It is released only in Hindi and is not available in any regional languages.
The film features Hrithik Roshan ( Shamsher Pathania ), Deepika Padukone ( Minal Rathore ), Anil Kapoor ( Rakesh Jai Singh ), Karan Singh Grover ( Sartaj Gill ), Akshay Oberoi ( Basheer Khan ) and Sanjeeda Sheikh ( Taj’s Wife ). The shoot took place in Italy, Spain, Tezpur, Hyderabad, Gwalior, Jammu Kashmir, Mumbai.
Also Read : Fighter Day 9 Box Office Collection | Siddharth Anand Film’s Earned Around ₹ 140+ Cr in India First Week
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Disclaimer: The Box Office Data is Collected from various sources and by our research. These data can be approximated and TheNewsHarsh does not make any claims about the authenticity of the data.